
Book Recommendation: Money, Greed and God

Jay Richards Money, Greed, and GodTo be released next month is the tenth anniversary edition of one of my favorite faith and economics books: Money, Greed, and God by Jay Richards. I’ve recommended the original to friends, pastors, even my hair stylist. I’ve assigned the book in various classes and loaned copies—I have a set—to many students over the years. MGG happened to be the first book we read during the inaugural year of Markets & Morality, and Jay Richards was the first public lecture we hosted at Hope College. Since then, we have read the book every fall to initiate new members. Because all members, past and present, have read the book, it serves as a helpful reference throughout a year’s M&M discussion. It is not uncommon to hear something like “well, basically the counterargument to that is Chapter 8 Money Greed, and God.” or “I wonder how this fits with Richards’ argument in Chapter 2?” It is a thorough and accessible introduction to thinking faithfully about economics and economic systems and a great resource for groups who want to share a basis in economic first principles. While I haven’t read the new edition yet, it’s in my queue, and I expect it will be another rewarding read.

Posted on May 30, 2019 by Sarah Estelle.